Random entry from the Encyclopaedia Telrhinica:

Star Children
Famous adventuring band that traveled with the hero Karldaband across half the known world.


Since last post many things have developed. The new HQ for Telrhin has moved cities for one.


Playtesting the new spellcasting rules. It's coming along nicely. Magic as a 'gift' (both for mages but also 'true faith' for divine powers). This gift is class-independent, so the class of mage or priest is a form of specialist.

Die pool for casting, rules for 'subversion' and control tests, 'stealing vis' and other fun stuff. 


We playtested the Second World concepts in a session where characters passed a gate and spent some time there. Great help fleshing out the narrative tricks needed to tell a story set in the Mythic. We tested the rules for it as well, the transformation on entering and the price on exiting.